How I negotiated a $300,000 job offer in Silicon Valley


Posted by Dan on March 1, 2019

How I negotiated a $300,000 job offer in Silicon Valley


In the span of a week, I had job offers to work as a software engineer at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, LinkedIn, and Yelp. Here’s how I negotiated them. 在一周的时间里,我得到了在谷歌、Facebook、Amazon、Apple、LinkedIn和Yelp担任软件工程师的工作邀请。我是这样和他们谈判的。

You’re almost finished with the long grind of interviewing. You’re almost free of the stress associated with interviewing at big tech companies. You’re practically envisioning sending off a final “I’ll sign” email. 你几乎结束了漫长的面试。你几乎摆脱了在大科技公司面试的压力。你实际上是在想象发送一封最终的“我会签名”邮件。

But you’re not quite there yet. 但你还没到那一步。

There’s one last hurdle to clear: negotiating an offer. 还有最后一个障碍需要清除:谈判报价。

You’ve shown that you can interview, but how well can you close a deal? 你已经表明你可以参加面试,但你能在多大程度上达成交易呢?

Late last year I interviewed at six top companies in Silicon Valley in six days, and stumbled into six job offers. I had one last task to make sure my work wasn’t in vain. Here are the principles I had, the rules I followed, and what I did to negotiate an offer worth $100,000/year more than I planned on. 去年年底,我在6天内面试了硅谷6家顶级公司,并意外地得到了6份工作邀请。我还有最后一项任务,确保我的工作不会白费。以下是我所遵循的原则,我所遵循的规则,以及我在谈判一份价值10万美元/年的合同时所做的事情。

Introduction 介绍

First, some assumptions on my part: 首先,我的一些假设:

  • Your mileage may vary. I’m obviously not stating that everything I went through is easily reproduced. I am using it as a backdrop to color some advice that I think anyone totally new to this to keep in mind. 您的里程可能会有所不同。我并不是说我所经历的一切都可以轻易重现。我用它作为背景色来给一些建议上色,我想任何一个对此完全陌生的人都应该记住这些建议。

  • You have offers, plural. This can be two or this can be ten, but you need to have more than one offer concurrently. I’ve negotiated on behalf of (many) friends in the past with no leverage, but I’m not going to focus on that scenario. 你有很多提议。可以是两个,也可以是十个,但是你需要同时有多个offer。过去,我曾代表(许多)朋友谈判,但没有任何筹码,但我不会专注于那种情况。

  • You’re not afraid to negotiate. The night before my Google interview I spoke with another candidate in my hotel. His strategy was to low-ball himself to increase his chances of getting an offer. That’s not the path that I took, it’s not a path I’d advocate, and it’s not one I’m going to even entertain. You should always be willing to see what you can get. 你不害怕谈判。在谷歌面试的前一天晚上,我在酒店与另一位应聘者进行了交谈。他的策略是降低自己的身价以增加被录用的机会。这不是我走的路,不是我提倡的路,也不是我要考虑的路。你应该总是愿意看到你能得到什么。

  • You won’t practice the Dark Arts of Negotiation™. I’m pretty sure you can negotiate by lying your way through the process. From a moral perspective, though, c’mon. From a practical perspective, getting caught in a lie is not going to help you. 你不练习黑魔法的谈判™。我很确定在谈判过程中你可以撒谎。但是从道德的角度来说,拜托。从实际的角度来看,被谎言所困对你没有任何帮助。

  • You won’t renege on an offer. Could I have squeezed a bit more out of the eventual offer I signed if I had? Maybe. But I’m not comfortable accepting an offer and later rejecting it. I’m sure other candidates do it and I don’t think it gets you banned from the Valley. It’s just not something I wanted to do. 你不会食言的。如果我签了,我还能从最终的报价中多挤出一点吗?也许吧。但是我不愿意接受一个提议,然后拒绝它。我相信其他候选人也会这么做,我不认为这会让你被禁止进入硅谷。这不是我想做的。

  • You’re willing to work at any of the companies if the price is right. I definitely had a personal ranking of which companies I’d prefer over each other, but each company had a chance. No one was just there to beef up offers. 如果价格合适,你愿意在任何一家公司工作。我确实对我更喜欢的公司进行了个人排名,但每家公司都有机会。没有人只是在那里提高报价。

  • I’m going to both anonymize the companies I negotiated with and fuzz their numbers. My goal is not to answer “how much does MegaCorp offer if you have competing offers.” My goal is to answer “how do I respectfully ask for a larger comp package?” for people that don’t know where to start. The total compensation for each offer is accurate (within 5%). 我将对与我谈判过的公司进行匿名化,并模糊它们的数字。我的目标不是回答“如果你有竞争性的报价,MegaCorp的报价是多少?”我的目标是回答“我如何恭敬地要求一个更大的薪酬包?”对于那些不知道从哪里开始的人。每个报价的总补偿是准确的(在5%以内)。

  • You’re starting at square one. I give my personal experience in this article and some examples of conversations I’ve had when negotiating. I don’t draw on decades of experience with very in-depth detail. I link some pieces at the end that are more suited towards that type of read. 从1的平方开始。我在这篇文章中给出了我的个人经验,以及一些我在谈判中交谈的例子。我没有从几十年的经验中汲取非常深入的细节。我在最后链接了一些更适合这种类型阅读的文章。

Before the Offer 拿到Offer之前

Congrats! You have multiple interviews. I’m sure you’re nervous. I’m sure you’re telling yourself you don’t deserve it, that you got lucky. You think you’re going to fail miserably. The last thing on your mind is how to talk numbers with recruiters. 恭喜!你有多次面试。我肯定你很紧张。我相信你是在告诉自己你不配,你太幸运了。你认为你会惨败。你最不想的事情就是如何与招聘人员谈论数字。

Chill out. We all go through that! 🙂 冷静下来。我们都经历过!🙂

It’s understandable. But you don’t want to shoot your future self in the foot. There’s only a few things you need to keep in mind at this point, anyway. 这是可以理解的。但你可不想搬起石头砸自己的脚。无论如何,现在您只需要记住几件事。

My first major piece of advice: do not make this process adversarial. 我的第一条主要建议是:不要让这个过程变成对抗性的。

I’ve read a lot of people that view this very cynically. 我读过很多人对这一观点持怀疑态度。

It’s us against them. 是我们反对他们。

Candidate versus recruiter. 候选人对招聘人员。

You’re trying to extract the absolute most out of a company and they’re trying to cheat you out of the most they can. Right? 你试图从一个公司里榨取绝对最多的利益,而他们却在尽其所能地欺骗你。对吧?

Wrong. This may be the case sometimes, I guess, but that mindset will not lend itself to a healthy negotiating phase. I had very good relationships with my recruiters and in the end it paid off. Maybe it would have gone better if I were more aggressive or lied to them. I won’t ever know how that alternative universe played out. But I do know that I have no regrets about it all. I’m confident I could ping any of those recruiters to kick off the process again. Also, recruiters are people, too. 😅 Be nice! 错了。我想,有时候可能是这样,但这种心态并不适合健康的谈判阶段。我和招聘人员的关系很好,最终得到了回报。如果我更有闯劲,或者对他们撒谎,情况可能会更好。我永远也不会知道另一个宇宙是如何运行的。但我知道我并不后悔。我相信我能找到任何招聘人员,再次启动招聘程序。此外,招聘人员也是人。😅很好!

Next, make it clear throughout the process that you’re interviewing elsewhere. This is critical to make sure that your offers are overlapping. I had to deal with one exploding offer. I had to pass on because the company refused to move the deadline. It took a piece of leverage away from me. If I didn’t let everyone know about my situation I may have lost even more. 接下来,在整个面试过程中,你要清楚地表明你在别处面试。这对于确保您的报价是重叠的是至关重要的。我不得不应付一个爆炸性的提议。我不得不辞职,因为公司拒绝更改最后期限。这让我失去了筹码。如果我不让每个人都知道我的情况,我可能会失去更多。

It’s up to you if you want to disclose where you’re interviewing. I would share it you think it’s “impressive”. Keep in mind that you should be proud of interviewing anywhere. You’ll have more leverage, though, if you don’t remove the possibility of a Google. My recruiters were very respectful about asking. Companies understand that who you talk to is your business and only theirs if you decide it is. With that said — the threat of getting (and signing) an offer elsewhere is fantastic leverage for everything from scheduling to getting an offer. 如果你想透露面试地点,那就由你决定了。我想和你们分享一下,你们认为这是“令人印象深刻的”。记住,你应该为在任何地方面试感到骄傲。如果你不排除谷歌的可能性,你会有更多的杠杆。我的招聘人员非常尊重我的提问。公司明白,你和谁交谈是你的事,只有当你决定是他们的事时,他们才知道。话虽如此,在其他地方获得(和签署)一份报价的威胁,对于从日程安排到获得一份报价的所有事情来说,都是一种神奇的杠杆。

The Initial Offers 最初的报价

Alright, it’s the moment of truth. You’re going to hear how you did. 😱 好了,关键时刻到了。你会听到你是怎么做的。😱

My recruiters all opted to deliver the news over the phone. Nearly every call followed the same pattern: 我的招聘人员都选择通过电话发布消息。几乎每个电话都遵循同样的模式:

Do you have any updates from other companies? Do you have a range you’re expecting from us? How does something in the neighborhood of $package sound? What do you think? 你有其他公司的最新消息吗?你对我们有什么期望吗?$package附近的东西听起来怎么样?你觉得呢?

Pretty much anything you read will say never give a range. I mostly agree with that, but sometimes it makes sense to give something. It takes some experience and familiarity with comp packages to do so comfortably. I only gave the first numbers to one or two companies and it was because I was familiar enough with the companies to know they would come in around $50k/yr lower than other offers I had. 几乎你读到的任何东西都不会给出一个范围。我基本上同意这一点,但有时给予是有意义的。这需要一些经验和熟悉的comp包这样做舒适。我只给了一两家公司最初的数字,这是因为我对这些公司足够熟悉,知道他们的出价会比我收到的其他出价低5万美元/年左右。

I would never give a range to a company that sends out sky-high offers. With that said, I’m not going to waste a back-and-forth cycle with a recruiter when I know they’re not going to come close to an existing offer. Recruiters won’t want to go back-and-forth and back-and-forth writing up new offers for you. If they won’t be close, let them know where the range is going to start. Wasting time waiting on a non-competitive offer isn’t advantageous to anyone. 我永远不会给那些开出天价的公司一个范围。话虽如此,当我知道招聘人员不会提供接近现有职位的机会时,我不会在他们面前浪费时间。招聘人员不会想要你来来回回地写新工作机会。如果它们不接近,让它们知道范围从哪里开始。浪费时间等待没有竞争力的报价对任何人都没有好处。

That being said, if you are dealing with a company whose budget is infinite, be smart. is the best resource I’ve seen (far better than Glassdoor) when it comes to learning what’s typically offered. Shoot for the sky and never, ever assume you can’t get a top offer. Watch the situation play out and be willing to adapt to it. I ended up getting far, far more than I ever though a company would offer me, and a lot of that is due to never anchoring myself mentally to a “top value”. 👍 也就是说,如果你面对的是一家预算无限的公司,那就聪明点。的水平。仅供参考是我所见过的最好的资源(远远好于Glassdoor),当涉及到学习什么是典型的提供。向天空射击,永远,永远不要认为你得不到最好的出价。观察形势的发展,并愿意去适应它。我最终得到的远比我想象的要多得多,这在很大程度上是因为我从未在精神上把自己固定在一个“最高价值”上。👍

Never sound “giddy”. Remain measured, even if you’re confident you’d accept an offer. It’s a lot to take in on the phone — especially if it’s an offer that surpasses what you ever expected — and you’re probably not thinking straight. Always think on any package for awhile. 没有声音“头晕”。即使你有信心接受一份工作,也要保持谨慎。在电话里要接受的东西太多了——尤其是如果这份工作超出了你的预期——你可能没有想清楚。对任何包装都要考虑一会儿。

Make it clear you won’t accept an offer until you hear back from everyone. In my experience, recruiters understood. I made it clear I would like to go to any of the companies I was interviewing at. I definitely had a dream company throughout the process, but that wasn’t really anyone’s business but my own. 🙂 明确表示,在收到所有人的回复之前,你不会接受这份工作。根据我的经验,招聘人员理解这一点。我明确表示,我愿意去我面试过的任何一家公司。整个过程中,我确实有一个梦想中的公司,但那不是别人的事,而是我自己的事。🙂

I don’t see actual examples of things to actually say in these situations. I’ll provide here what it sounded like for me. That should help those that don’t know where to start. Don’t follow this as a script (because that’s weird and unnatural), but this is the sort of thing I would say to remain respectful and open to negotiate. Let’s assume the offer you’ve heard is something you might sign (that is, it meets your bar to go work there): 在这些情况下,我没有看到具体的例子。我将在这里提供对我来说是什么感觉。这应该会帮助那些不知道从哪里开始的人。不要把这当做一个剧本(因为这很奇怪和不自然),但我想说的是,这是一种保持尊重和开放协商的方式。让我们假设你听到的提议是你可能会签署的(也就是说,去那里工作符合你的条件):

Recruiter: So, what do you think? 招聘人员:那么,你怎么看?

You: That’s an interesting offer. I think it’s probably in the ballpark, but it’s not something I’m going to sign right now. I’m going to wait until I hear back from the other places I’m speaking to. 你:这是个有趣的提议。我想大概在这个范围内,但我现在不打算签。我要等到我从其他地方收到回复。

In the above, you let your recruiter know that they’re “in the running”, but that it’s not enough to blow you away. You’re respectful but firm. This is the blueprint for how your discussions should go. 在上面的步骤中,你要让招聘人员知道他们在“竞争中”,但这还不足以让你为之倾倒。你很有礼貌,但很坚定。这是你们讨论的蓝图。

Don’t give away more information than you need to, don’t be aggressive, and don’t give numbers if it doesn’t make sense. The above is all honest, too, so you don’t need to worry about getting caught in a lie. Essentially, you’re trying to maintain good standing with your recruiters and avoid getting into the nitty-gritty until you have all of your offers on the table. That’s the fun part! 不要泄露过多的信息,不要咄咄逼人,如果没有意义就不要给出数字。以上这些都是诚实的,所以你不必担心会被骗。从本质上说,你是在努力与招聘人员保持良好的关系,在你拿到所有的offer之前,避免触及实质问题。这是有趣的部分!

The Counter-Offers

So, you’ve got numbers from everyone that you’re considering. Now you can start counter-offering based on what information you have. When I counter-offered, I never used solid numbers — I gave ranges. I don’t like the idea of committing to a solid number until the very end. 你已经从每个人那里得到了你要考虑的数字。现在你可以根据你掌握的信息开始还价了。当我还盘时,我从不使用固定的数字——我给出了范围。我不喜欢把一个固定的数字坚持到最后。

There’s a few reasons for this: 原因如下:

For one, giving a solid number feels weird; why is $120,000 acceptable, but $119,000 is a bit low? I’d much rather present that as “somewhere between $120,000 and $140,000”. It also leaves room for a company to move upward if you keep things a bit in the dark. Note that once you have numbers from a company it makes a lot more sense to be more explicit in what you’re looking for. 首先,给出一个固定的数字感觉很奇怪;为什么12万美元是可以接受的,但11.9万美元有点低?我更愿意用“12万到14万美元之间”来表示。如果你对一些事情不太清楚,也会给公司留下升职的空间。请注意,一旦你有了公司的数据,你就更有必要更明确地说明你在寻找什么。

To me, there’s an implication when giving a solid number that it’s “the one.” If a company can hit “your number”, you’ve lost out on the chance to negotiate much more unless more offers coming in. Companies can still hit your number if they offer the top of your range; keep that in mind. If you give a $5,000 range, don’t be surprised if companies meet your demands and expect to get a signed offer. 对我来说,给出一个固定的数字意味着它是“1”。如果一家公司能打出“你的号码”,你就失去了更多谈判的机会,除非有更多的机会。如果公司提供的是你能接受的最好的服务,他们仍然可以打到你的电话号码;记住这一点。如果你给出了5000美元的范围,如果公司满足你的要求,并希望得到一份签约的工作,不要感到惊讶。

Some may object to how I presented the above, as recruiters have a lot of flexibility. You can always give a number, have them match it, and then ask for higher. I’m not denying that. But it was a goal throughout my negotiations to keep on very good standing with my recruiters and it paid off very well in the end. 有些人可能会反对我上面的介绍,因为招聘者有很大的灵活性。你可以给他们一个数字,让他们匹配,然后要求更高。我不否认这一点。但在整个谈判过程中,我的目标是与招聘人员保持良好的关系,最终取得了很好的效果。

My initial counter-offers sounded something like this (I made up the numbers here and provide a few examples): 我最初的还价听起来是这样的(我在这里编造了一些数字,并提供了一些例子):

Bar, Inc.: We were thinking of offering a base salary of around $120,000 with a four-year RSU package of $150,000 and a signing bonus of $10,000. What do you think of that? Bar, Inc.:我们想提供12万美元的底薪,外加15万美元的四年RSU奖金和1万美元的签约奖金。你觉得怎么样?

Me: How flexible is Bar, Inc. on equity? I’m really looking to stay and grow at a company, and equity is something I really interested in wherever I go. I’m comfortable with something in the neighborhood of $120,000 on base, but I’d definitely like to sign an offer with a larger equity package. 我:Bar股份有限公司的股权有多灵活?我真的希望能在一家公司继续成长,我所到之处都对股权非常感兴趣。我对12万美元的底价很满意,但我肯定想签一份更大的股权协议。

FooCorp: We were thinking of offering a base salary of around $100,000 with a four-year RSU package of $150,000 and a signing bonus of $10,000. What do you think of that? FooCorp:我们打算提供10万美元的底薪,外加15万美元的四年RSU奖金和1万美元的签约奖金。你觉得怎么样?

Me: I think the base is a little bit lower than what I’d like based on my offer from Bar, Inc. for $120,000, and base salary is really important to me. As for the equity package, I was looking for something closer to $200,000. The signing bonus is around what I was looking for. 我:我觉得底薪比我从Bar, Inc.拿到的12万美元的底薪要低一点,而且底薪对我来说真的很重要。至于股权方案,我想要接近20万美元。签约奖金和我想要的差不多。

There’s a lot of actionable information above for a recruiter without you giving any implicit commitment to any number. FooCorp knows they need to get to $120,000 to meet your other offer. Bar knows that equity is important to you, and equity is something that companies tend to move a lot more willingly. You now have two companies moving in tandem to get a better offer to you and neither of them is talking to each other. This is pretty much how you want this entire process to go. 对于招聘人员来说,上面有很多可操作的信息,你不必对任何数字做出任何隐含的承诺。FooCorp知道,他们需要拿到12万美元才能满足你的另一个出价。Bar知道股权对你很重要,而股权是公司更愿意转移的东西。你现在有两家公司联合起来为你争取更好的工作机会,但它们都不与对方沟通。这就是你想要的整个过程。

It makes sense to change an established range once another company ups the ante. This is how that discussion went for me: 一旦另一家公司提高赌注,改变既定的范围是有意义的。对我来说,讨论是这样的:

Me: Hey, I finally heard back from Baz LLC. Their offer came in a lot higher than I was expecting. They offered $150,000 in base, $200,000 in stock, and $40,000 in signing. That being said I think the work FooCorp aligns more closely with my interests, so I’d really like to make something work with you guys. Can we do what we can to get to those numbers? I’d love to figure this out. 我:嘿,我终于得到了Baz LLC的回复。他们的出价比我预想的要高得多。他们提出以15万美元的底价,20万美元的股票,4万美元的签约费。话虽如此,我认为FooCorp的工作更符合我的兴趣,所以我真的很想和你们一起工作。我们能做些什么来得到这些数字吗?我很想弄明白。

FooCorp: Wow, that’s a good offer. Keep in mind FooCorp is {making the world a better place / has amazing potential / is better for your career} and I would hope you wouldn’t be deciding based on a paycheck. I don’t know if we can match that offer exactly, but I’ll see what we can do. 哇,真是个好提议。请记住,福科普是在(让世界变得更美好/有惊人的潜力/对你的职业生涯更有好处),我希望你不会根据薪水来做决定。我不知道我们能否提供与那个报价完全相符的产品,但我会看看我们能做些什么。

I went through the above sample conversations so many times and they all went pretty similarly. 我把上面的对话示例看了很多遍,结果都非常相似。

They always sounded very doubtful about moving their numbers. They always said it was more than they would typically give up. 听起来他们总是对是否改变他们的数字持怀疑态度。他们总是说这比他们通常放弃的要多。

They always explained why their company’s mission and culture made up for the difference in comp. 他们总是解释为什么他们公司的使命和文化弥补了薪酬上的差异。

But almost always, they upped the package. 但几乎总是,他们提高了包装。

Sometimes they’ll match it. Sometimes they won’t. Sometimes they’ll come close enough that you’ll pull the trigger because it’s such an exciting opportunity. You should always give it a shot, though. 有时他们会匹配它。有时候他们不会。有时他们会接近你,你会扣动扳机,因为这是一个令人兴奋的机会。不过,你应该试一试。

My Offers 我的Offers

I’m including this because lots of people have pinged me about it. I don’t know how much people can take away from it, but I’ll put it out there anyway. I’ll include what tips I can. 我把它包括进来是因为很多人都在抱怨我。我不知道人们能从中得到多少,但我还是会把它写出来。我将包括我能提供的建议。

I was able to get ballpark numbers from every company before I disclosed any numbers. Here they are, anonymized and randomized. The format is base salary+bonus / 4yr stock package / signing bonus. 在我公布任何数字之前,我能够从每家公司得到大致的数字。这里是匿名随机的。格式为底薪+奖金/ 4年股票套餐/签约奖金。

Alpha: 180k / 150k / 0k (218k/yr) Bravo: 180k / 200k / 30k (238k/yr) Charlie: 140k / 180k / 30k (193k/yr) Delta: 160k / 220k / 50k (228k/yr) Echo: 160k / 200k / 30k (218k/yr) Foxtrot: 165k / 210k / 30k (225k/yr)

I thought it was pretty interesting how closely most of the numbers aligned despite not being able to see each other’s initial offers. That must be the going rate… or something. 我觉得非常有趣的是,尽管无法看到对方的初始报价,但大多数数字的排列是如此接近。那一定是现行汇率……或者别的什么。

Anyway, once I had all of the offers, it was time for constant communication for me. I called my least-favorite offer and told them what the best offer was and asked them to close the gap as much as possible. Once those numbers moved, I talked to more companies. I usually had daily or every-other-day update calls with my recruiters, and they sounded like this: 不管怎样,一旦我得到了所有的邀请,就该是我不断沟通的时候了。我打电话给我最不喜欢的公司,告诉他们什么是最好的,并要求他们尽可能缩小差距。一旦这些数字发生变化,我与更多的公司进行了交谈。我通常每天或每隔一天给招聘人员打一次电话,内容是这样的:

Bravo: Any updates from your end? 你那边有什么消息吗?

Me: Yeah, I was able to get some preliminary numbers from Foxtrot. They were thinking somewhere in the ballpark of $225k TC, but Delta says they will comfortably beat that. I wasn’t blown away by the offer, but given Delta’s position on it, that’s probably the low end of what I’ll end up signing. 我:是的,我从狐步舞中得到了一些初步的数据。他们原以为大约是22.5万TC,但达美航空表示,他们将轻松击败这一数字。我并没有被这个提议吓到,但考虑到达美航空在这个问题上的立场,这可能是我最终签约的最低要求。

Bravo: Great, thanks so much for sharing that. I’ll talk to the team and see what I can do. We’d love to have you! 太好了,非常感谢你的分享。我会和团队谈谈,看看我能做些什么。我们想要你!

Alpha refused to negotiate and refused to move their deadline, so they were out of the running pretty quickly. 阿尔法拒绝谈判,也拒绝改变最后期限,所以他们很快就出局了。

Once everyone had a chance to move their numbers, it looked like this: 一旦每个人都有机会移动他们的数字,它看起来像这样:

Bravo: 180k / 220k / 75k (254k/yr; +16k)

Charlie: 140k / 200k / 30k (198k/yr; +5k)

Delta: 160k / 220k / 50k (228k/yr; no movement)

Echo: 160k / 250k / 30k (230k/yr; +12k)

Foxtrot: 180k / 240k / 30k (248k/yr; +18k)

More rinse and repeat. My goal was to whittle down the offers once I had things moving in the direction I wanted. It was a logistical nightmare keeping up with six companies during this. It was also becoming clearer that there was a gap that some companies couldn’t overcome. 再冲洗并重复。我的目标是,一旦事情朝着我想要的方向发展,我就会降低出价。在此期间,与六家公司保持联系是一场物流噩梦。此外,一些公司无法克服的差距也变得越来越明显。

I also had a lot more time to think about company culture and perks/benefits, so certain companies began to pull away from each other. I didn’t formally reject any offers until I signed my final offer, but mentally, I wrote off a few of the companies and stopped negotiating with them. I just asked them for a few more days to decide. 我也有更多的时间考虑公司文化和福利,所以一些公司开始疏远彼此。在我签署最终报价之前,我没有正式拒绝任何报价,但在心里,我注销了几家公司,并停止了与它们的谈判。我只是让他们再多决定几天。

Recruiters constantly told me they couldn’t up their packages anymore, but inevitably, they always did. I’m sure a ceiling exists and I’m sure it’s rarer to get number past a certain point, but it was dangerously close to a lie to continuously tell me they couldn’t go any higher (“you don’t have the experience”) and then watch them up their offer by 10%. Part of doing business, I guess. 🤷‍️ 招聘人员不断地告诉我,他们再也不能把包裹贴上去了,但不可避免的是,他们总是这么做。我相信存在一个上限,我也相信让数字超过某个点的情况更少见,但不断地告诉我他们不能再高了(“你没有这个经验”),然后看着他们把出价提高10%,这近乎于一种危险的谎言。我想这是做生意的一部分。🤷‍️

After another round of negotiation (and a few days), it was down to three: 经过又一轮谈判(几天后),谈判只剩下三次:

Bravo: 180k / 250k / 75k (261k/yr; +23k/yr from initial)

Delta: 170k / 250k / 50k (245k/yr; +17k/yr from initial)

Foxtrot: 180k / 250k / 50k (248k/yr; +18k/yr from initial)

At this point, it had been something like a week and a half of negotiation, and this after months of interviews/prep. I was so ready to be done. I had decided based on product, culture, pay, perks, benefits, reputation that it was between Bravo and Delta. 在这一点上,我们进行了大约一周半的谈判,经过几个月的面试和准备。我已经准备好了。根据产品、文化、薪酬、津贴、福利和声誉,我决定在布拉沃航空和达美航空之间开展合作。

Delta wanted me to give a final number and commit to it. They were extremely insistent that I provide one. 德尔塔想让我给出一个最终的数字,并作出承诺。他们非常坚持要我提供一个。

I told them to give me a few hours and called my recruiter from Bravo. 我告诉他们给我几个小时的时间,然后打电话给我在Bravo的招聘人员。

I explained that Bravo had a lot that I respected more than Delta, but that Delta wanted me to verbally commit to a number to move forward. 我解释说,布拉沃比德尔塔更让我尊敬,但德尔塔希望我口头承诺一个数字,让我继续前进。

I was going to work at Bravo or Delta. They were offering similar packages, but I didn’t know how high I could push Delta on the last counter. I also wasn’t comfortable playing that game. 我要去布拉沃或德尔塔工作。他们也提供类似的套餐,但我不知道我能在最后一个柜台把达美航空推到多高。我也不喜欢玩那个游戏。

Everyone gets one last ask. You’ve been building up to a point where you get to launch your most powerful salvo — use it wisely. 每个人都有最后一个问题。你已经建立了一个点,你可以发动你最强大的齐射-明智地使用它。

For me, this was that moment. It was time. 对我来说,这就是那一刻。这是时间。

I asked Bravo to up their package by a meager $5k yearly in stock (a very small ask in retrospect…), something companies are far more flexible on. I said if they could do that, I would sign and be confident I didn’t leave too much on the table. He said he’d get back to me and that he was confident we could work something out. 我要求Bravo以每年5000美元的微薄股票收入(回想起来,这只是一个很小的要求……)来增加薪酬,而公司在这方面要灵活得多。我说,如果他们能做到这一点,我会签字,并相信我没有留下太多的东西。他说他会联系我的,他很有信心我们能解决问题。

My Final Offer 我的最终Offer

Bravo’s recruiter emailed back and said he worked out a new package for me and wanted to run it by me over the phone. I already knew at this point that if he met my ask (180k / 270k / 70k, TC 265k) that I would sign right then and there. I’d thought long and hard about this last little dance. Bravo的招聘人员给我回了邮件,说他为我设计了一套新套餐,想让我在电话里演示一下。此时我已经知道,如果他满足我的要求(180k / 270k / 70k, TC 265k),我将立即在那里签字。我对这最后的小舞想了很久。

Bravo: I heard back and got approval for a new offer and I wanted to see what you thought. We’d like to offer you a {salary + annual bonus} of $180,000. In addition to that, we would like to offer $400,000 in RSUs that vest over four years. Lastly, I was able to get approval for a $90,000 {signing bonus + relocation expenses} package. That would put your four-year compensation package at around $1,210,000, or an annual compensation package of around $300,000. What do you think? Bravo: :我得到了回复,得到了一份新工作的批准,我想听听你的想法。我们想给你提供18万美元的年薪+奖金。除此之外,我们希望在4年内提供40万美元的rsu背心。最后,我获得了9万美元的签约奖金+搬迁费用的批准。这意味着你四年的薪酬约为1,21万美元,或每年30万美元左右。你觉得呢?

Me: Yeah, I’ll sign that. 我:是的,我会签的。

Bravo: Really? Awesome! 布拉沃:真的吗?太棒了!

And that was that. No, there’s no embellishment here. My final ask was for $265k/yr and I was offered around $300k/yr. I don’t know if that was due to the goodwill I had built up with the recruiter or if they were concerned I’d defect. Whatever it was, I’m fine with it. :) 就是这样。不,这里没有装饰。我最后的要求是265万美元/年,我得到了大约30万美元/年。我不知道这是因为我和招聘人员建立了良好的关系,还是因为他们担心我会叛逃。不管是什么,我都无所谓。:)

The Takeaways

I’m going to summarize a lot of the above in a more digestible way: 我将用一种更容易理解的方式来总结上面的内容:

  • 🤑 Get multiple offers. Obviously this is way easier said than done, but even if it adds a lot of stress to your life, it certainly pays off. With interviews being quite a bit of a crapshoot, it’s tough. If you want to get a new job, though, don’t put your eggs in one basket and do what you can to try to get at least two offers. *🤑得到多个报价。很明显,这说起来容易做起来难,但是即使这会给你的生活增加很多压力,它也会给你带来回报。但是,如果你想找到一份新工作,不要孤注一掷,尽你所能争取至少两个工作机会。

  • 🙊 Don’t lie. I wasn’t personally asked to provide evidence of other offers, but my friends definitely have been. It’s not worth it to lie, especially when your candidate profile is saved at various companies. Good luck getting into a company that catches you. 🙊Don’t lie.我个人并没有被要求提供其他提议的证据,但我的朋友们肯定是这样做的。说谎是不值得的,尤其是当你的候选人资料被保存在不同的公司的时候。祝你进入一家抓住你的公司好运。

  • 🤗 Be kind and respectful. Recruiters are people, too. They’re also the people that act as the path for you getting into your dream company. You don’t need to schmooze them, but be friendly. Help them help you! You may have competing philosophies, but both of you want the same thing in the end: a signed offer from their company. 🤗respectful.亲切的招聘人员也是人。他们也是你进入梦想公司的途径。你不需要和他们搭讪,但是要友好。帮帮他们,帮帮你!你们可能有不同的理念,但最终你们想要的是同一件事:他们公司的一份签字的工作邀请。

  • 🗣 Be (selectively) communicative. Make it very clear to everyone what your timelines are and if you’re waiting on other companies. Keep people in the loop. We hate getting ghosted by recruiters and I’m sure recruiters hate being ghosted by us. Let them know if you’ve signed another offer or if you’re no longer considering theirs. Let them know if other companies have sent you offers and share the names if you think it’ll help your case. 🗣是(selectively)communicative.让每个人都清楚你的时间表是什么,以及你是否在等待其他公司。让人们参与进来。我们讨厌被招聘人员忽隐忽现,我敢肯定招聘人员也讨厌被我们忽隐忽现。如果你已经签署了另一份工作邀请,或者你不再考虑他们的邀请,请让他们知道。让他们知道是否有其他公司给你发过offer,如果你认为这对你的情况有帮助的话,可以分享他们的名字。

  • 👎 Don’t give a minimum (unless it makes sense). You don’t want to give a lower number than a company would have offered you, but you also don’t want to waste anyone’s time. If you know a company won’t be competitive at first, let them know what the other company’s range is. If they’re out, they’re out. Your time is better spent talking to companies you’d actually go to. 👎不给最低(除非是有道理的)。你不想给出比公司给出的更低的数字,但你也不想浪费任何人的时间。如果你一开始就知道一家公司没有竞争力,让他们知道另一家公司的范围是什么。如果他们出局了,他们就出局了。你最好把时间花在和你真正想去的公司交谈上。

I imagine this is what whiteboard interviews looked like in the 1950s 我想这就是20世纪50年代白板采访的样子

  • 🌠 Shoot for the sky. Transparently, my goal was to get a total comp of around $180k. That was the number where I’d quit my current job. I ended up getting over 50% more than that. I didn’t think it was possible for someone with two years of experience to do so. Don’t set a limit in your head of what you can think you can get or it may discourage negotiating. 天上🌠拍摄显然,我的目标是获得大约18万美元的总报酬。这是我辞去现在工作的数字。最后我得到了超过50%的回报。我认为一个有两年工作经验的人是不可能这样做的。不要在你的头脑中设定一个你认为你能得到的限制,否则会阻碍谈判。

  • 🚫 Don’t reject an offer until you’ve signed another one. You never know what could happen. You don’t want to leave someone hanging on your decision when there is no way on earth you’d sign their offer. But even if an offer isn’t competitive, you’d still sign it if the other companies lost their headcount. Keep your options open. You earned it. 🚫Don’t拒绝要约直到you’ve签署另一个1你永远不知道会发生什么。你不想让别人在你的决定上犹豫不决,因为你根本不可能在他们的提议上签字。但是,即使出价没有竞争力,如果其他公司失去了他们的员工,你还是会签的。保留你的选择权。你赢得了它。

  • 🤔 Think a lot and whittle down your offers. Over the course of your negotiations you’ll converge on the one or two offers you think are “best”. As that happens, focus your time on the ones that make sense, and don’t waste brain cycles on the ones that don’t. 🤔想很多和削减你的提供。在你的谈判过程中,你会集中在一两个你认为是“最好”的提议上。当这种情况发生时,把你的时间集中在有意义的事情上,不要把大脑周期浪费在没有意义的事情上。

  • 🤦🏻‍♂️ Bonus: don’t tell teams you’re disinterested in them. I’ve seen people “negotiate” by asking for a larger packages by saying they’re less interested in the company. This sounds like a recipe for disaster — why would you tell a company you don’t want to work for them? Find a new slant. 🤦🏻‍♂️奖金:别告诉你无私的团队。我见过有人“谈判”,要求加薪,说自己对公司不感兴趣。这听起来像是灾难的配方——你为什么要告诉一家公司你不想为他们工作?找一个新的斜面。

  • 🎉 Everything above worked. The final offer I signed was ~$300,000 in total yearly compensation (over four years, including a variable annual bonus, and amortizing the signing/relo package). I negotiated it up from ~$225,000, an increase of 33%. 🎉一切工作之上。我最后签下的合同是每年30万美元的总薪酬(超过4年,包括可变的年度奖金,以及分期偿还签约/relo的薪酬)。我把价格从22.5万美元上调了33%。

Wrap-Up 总结

After my previous post, I primarily saw three questions: 在我之前的帖子之后,我主要看到了三个问题:

  • How did I negotiate? 我是怎么谈判的?

  • How much was I offered? 我出了多少钱?

  • Which offer did I take? 我接受了哪个提议?

I answered two of those three here. Maybe you can piece together the rest. I’d rather provide value than advertise for my employer. I don’t want the focus here to be on the decision I made for my life. I’d rather help everyone else get to make the same decision. 我回答了这三个问题中的两个。也许你可以把剩下的拼凑起来。我宁愿提供有价值的东西,也不愿为我的雇主做广告。我不想把焦点放在我为我的生活所做的决定上。我宁愿帮助其他人做出同样的决定。

There’s also much more in-depth, less-anecdotal pieces I’d recommend reading. There’s this legendary one from Patrick McKenzie and another from Haseeb Qureshi. What you see here is more of a collection of my personal thoughts (and a response to all of the questions I got regarding numbers). 我还推荐阅读一些更深入、不那么轶事化的文章。有一个是Patrick McKenzie的传奇性的,另一个是Haseeb Qureshi的。您在这里看到的更多的是我个人想法的集合(以及对所有关于数字的问题的回答)。

Please follow (and chat with!) me on Twitter if you want to provide feedback or if you have any questions. I’d love to hear if there are other topics you’d like to read about. I’ve been getting a ton of DMs on Twitter and Discord and I’ve tried to help out where possible. I vastly prefer responding on Twitter, though, so if you want to chat, try there first. 如果你想提供反馈或者有任何问题,请在Twitter上关注我(并与我聊天!)我想知道你是否还有其他想读的话题。我在推特上收到了大量的DMs和不和谐的消息,我试图在可能的情况下提供帮助。不过,我更喜欢在Twitter上回复,所以如果你想聊天,先试试Twitter。

Happy negotiating. 😊 快乐的谈判。😊

the initial offer didn’t talk about a relocation package; my guess is I would have received it anyway, so the starting value was likely higher 最初的提议没有提及搬迁方案;我猜反正我也会收到,所以初始值可能更高
