My Development Toolset 2019 for iOS.


Posted by Dan on February 20, 2019

My Development Toolset 2019 for iOS 我的iOS开发工具集2019

Hello folks, I would like to update some of my toolset for 2019 that I use for iOS development tools, open source apps, websites, repos, libraries and some miscellaneous that I am still currently using. 大家好,我想更新我2019年使用的一些工具集,这些工具集用于iOS开发工具、开源应用程序、网站、repos、库以及一些我目前仍在使用的杂项工具。

This article will continue to be updated all year round. You can find some of the updates from my 2017 toolset to 2018 and some new advice with the reasons behind. 本文将全年不断更新。你可以找到一些从我的2017年工具集到2018年的更新和一些背后的原因的新建议。

Some tools deleted from my 2019 list. The reason is, I do not continue to use this tools Gitscout, Bee, GitKraken, Flawless. I have some comments below about some of them. 有些工具从我2019年的清单上删除了。原因是,我没有继续使用这些工具 Gitscout, Bee, GitKraken, Flawless。以下是我对其中一些问题的一些评论。

Tools 工具

  • There is a new number one. Its name is Sherlock. We can edit our views and layout constraints in real time, simulate running on other devices. They are a perfect team with RevealApp. 有一个新的1号。它的名字叫Sherlock。我们可以实时编辑视图和布局约束,模拟在其他设备上运行。他们和RevealApp是一个团队。

  • FASTLANE I highly recommend scan, match and gym features. FASTLANE我强烈推荐scan, match 和 gym功能。

  • Last week I discovered an amazing tool for following live update your pull-request and lists all your watched repositories. There is also iOS and Android version. This app deserves five stars. Trailer。上周,我发现了一个非常棒的工具,可以跟踪您的请求的实时更新,并列出您所查看的所有存储库。还有iOS和Android版本。这款应用值得五星评价。Trailer

  • ModMove, you can easily Move/Resize windows using keyboard shortcuts and the mouse. This is really my favorite with HyperSwitch. ModMove,你可以很容易地移动/调整窗口使用键盘快捷键和鼠标。这是我最喜欢的HyperSwitch软件。

  • Injection, dynamically inserts Swift / Objective-C code into a running app. It does this without making any changes to your project. You can also use with AppCode. Injection,动态地插入Swift / Objective-C代码到一个正在运行的应用程序中。你也可以使用AppCode

  • Cacher is the code snippet organizer for professional developers. You manage your Gist snippets. Cacher是专业开发人员的代码片段管理器。你管理你的要点片段。

  • NightOwl After Mojave, we meet DarkMode on the macOS. NightOwl expands this feature one more step. You can automatically configure sunrise/sunset, schedule your personal config and can easily change all configuration. 在莫哈韦之后,我们在macOS上遇到了暗黑模式。NightOwl进一步扩展了这一特性。您可以自动配置日出/日落,安排您的个人配置,并可以轻松更改所有配置。

  • pliim is an amazing presentation tool. It is always updated and is very helpful for Sprint Demo meeting. You can hide desktop items, disable notifications, mute speaker. pliim是一个了不起的演示工具。它总是更新的,对Sprint演示会议非常有帮助。您可以隐藏桌面项目,禁用通知,静音扬声器。

  • RescueTime is a perfect tool for following how you spend your time while developing or which tools are you using. RescueTime是一个完美的工具,它可以跟踪你在开发过程中是如何花费时间的,或者你在使用哪些工具。

  • I recommended GitKraken for GIT use in 2017. I had good reasons for that such as GitFlow can be added automatically by GitKraken. Also, they have gitlab support. GitKraken came a long way. But when starting a huge project such as compiling time 15 minutes and there are 142802 total codes in the project, SourceTree is my new favorite GIT GUI since November 2017. 我在2017年推荐GitKraken使用GIT。我有很好的理由说明GitFlow可以由GitKraken自动添加。而且,他们有gitlab的支持。吉特克拉肯走了很长的路。但是在开始一个大型项目时,比如编译时间15分钟,项目中总共有142802个代码,SourceTree是我自2017年11月以来最喜欢的GIT GUI。

  • KeepingYouAwake is a small menu bar utility for macOS that can prevent your Mac from entering sleep mode for a predefined duration or as long as it is activated. KeepingYouAwake是macOS的一个小菜单栏实用程序,它可以防止Mac在预定义的持续时间内或在激活状态下进入休眠模式。

  • Paw makes interaction with REST services delightful. Paw helps us build HTTP requests, inspect the server’s response and even generate client code. I like Paw user interface better than Postman. Paw使得与REST服务的交互非常愉快。Paw帮助我们构建HTTP请求,检查服务器的响应,甚至生成客户机代码。比起Postman,我更喜欢Paw的用户界面。

  • Build Time Analyzer is a macOS app that shows you a breakdown of Swift build times of your project. It is very important for time saving of your project. Even if your project compile time over the 15 minutes. Build Time Analyzer` 是一个macOS应用程序,它可以显示项目的快速构建时间分解。这对节省项目时间非常重要。即使您的项目编译时间超过15分钟。

  • WatchDog is automatically cleaning up DerivedData for yourself without quitting Xcode or restarting macOS. WatchDog在不退出Xcode或重新启动macOS的情况下,自动为您清理导出的数据。

  • ThemeInstaller is a simple app will help us to install themes for the Xcode app. ThemeInstaller是一个简单的应用程序,可以帮助我们安装Xcode应用程序的主题。

  • Cakebrewmanages Homebrew with GUI interface. Cakebrew使用GUI界面管理自制程序。

  • Liya can access MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 using one single interface. Liya可以使用一个接口访问MySQL、PostgreSQL和SQLite3。

  • Checker you can find circular dependencies in your Swift project. Checker 可以帮组您在Swift项目中找到循环依赖项。

  • Quiver is a snippets manager and notebook for saving notes, code or file. For 5 years I have been using snippets. I have supported them by adding Swift. But now it is time to change something. Quiver 是一个用于保存笔记、代码或文件的代码片段管理器和笔记本。5年来,我一直在使用snippets。我通过添加Swift来支持它们。但是现在是时候改变一些事情了。

  • With Oh My Zsh your terminal will have eyes and brain. 用 Oh My Zsh 你的终端会有眼睛和大脑。

  • Want to read later, put it in Pocket. Don’t forget to install safari and/or chrome extension. But one more thing is LINER. 以后要看书,放在Pocket。不要忘记安装safari和/或chrome扩展。还有一件事是 LINER

  • Need to minify your image, use Squash. Free and better solution is guetzli. 需要缩小你的图片,使用 Squash。免费且更好的解决方案是guetzli

  • Interactive layout testing or to check that all screens RevealApp. 交互布局测试或检查所视图 RevealApp

  • SizeUp resize and position your windows with shortcuts. SizeUp使用快捷键调整窗口的大小和位置

  • I am using code snippets. But if I need to remember which code snippets used and when? Paste for clipboard manager. 我使用代码片段的时候。但是如果我需要记住使用了哪些代码片段以及什么时候使用?Paste 粘贴剪贴板管理器。

  • Gitsome is a awesome Git/GitHub command line interface by terminal. Gitsome 是一个很棒的Git/GitHub命令行终端界面。

  • Easy APNs Provider best push notification testing tool. Easy APNs Provider 最好的推送通知测试工具。

  • Houston is a simple gem for sending Apple Push Notifications. Houston是一个发送苹果推送通知的简单工具。

  • Charles is a life saver. You can use with simulator & device so compare API result on your macbook. Last year I did not use this tool too much but this year I use a lot. Also I recommend to use iOS version. Charles 是个救生员。您可以使用模拟器和设备,比较API的结果在您的macbook上。去年我不太用这个工具,但是今年我用的很多。我也推荐使用iOS版本。

  • Bartender 3 lets us organize our menu bar icons, by hiding them, re-arranging them, show hidden items with a click or keyboard shortcut. Bartender 3 让我们组织我们的菜单栏图标,通过隐藏他们,重新安排他们,显示隐藏的项目与点击或键盘快捷方式。

  • OpenSim is an open source alternative to SimPholders, written in Swift. It is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator. There is an another alternative iSimulator. OpenSim是用Swift编写的SimPholders的开源替代品。它是一个GUI实用程序来控制模拟器,并管理安装在模拟器上的应用程序。还有另一种替代iSimulator

  • Zoommy, is very helpful for me. I can easily find images for my medium articles. All images bring from 50 different public domain sources. Zoommy,对我很有帮助。我可以很容易地为我的媒体文章找到图片。所有的图片都来自50个不同的公共领域。

Design 设计

I assume you know Sketch. But Zeplin is a huge time saver for dev and design team. With Mojave Sketch is started to support dark mode. About Zeplin there is a problem and I sent them an email last year. But there is no support for multiple account. You can just login with one account. However Zeplin can work without Flawless and can work without any iOS Simulator. 我假设你知道 Sketch。但是Zeplin为开发和设计团队节省了大量的时间。随着 Mojave Sketch开始支持暗模式。关于Zeplin有一个问题,我去年给他们发了一封邮件。但是不支持多个帐户。您只可以用一个帐户登录。然而,Zeplin可以没有 Flawless 而工作,也可以在没有任何iOS模拟器的情况下工作。

  • Reduce compress our heavy Sketch files. 减少压缩我们沉重的草图文件。

  • Sketch Cache Cleaner help to delete hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive. Sketch Cache Cleaner 帮助删除隐藏的草图历史文件,可以采取很多空间在您的硬盘驱动器。

  • Abstract is a version-controlled hub for your Sketch files. 摘要是草图文件的版本控制中心。

Podcast 播客

If you really have time to listen podcast this is my favorite Mac app PodcastMenu . There is an awesome podcast list in GitHub for iOS. 如果你真的有时间听播客,这是我最喜欢的Mac应用播客菜单。在GitHub中有一个很棒的iOS播客列表。

Also, I would like to introduce Unsterificator. It is a mac menu bar app to quickly toggle mono/stereo audio. 我还想介绍一下Unsterificator。这是一个mac菜单栏应用程序,可以快速切换单声道/立体声音频。

Libraries & Repo

  • SnapKit is a Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X. SnapKit是一个用于iOS和OS X的快速自动布局DSL

  • EasyTipView is a fully customizable tooltip view in Swift for iOS. If you work with form design or if you need small tip library this is a very good solution. EasyTipView是一个完全可定制的工具提示视图在Swift为iOS。如果您使用表单设计或需要小技巧库,这是一个非常好的解决方案。

  • DBDebugToolkit is remarkable helper for QA teams and iOS developers. You can easily check Performance, User Interface, Crash reports, Resource vs.. DBDebugToolkit是QA团队和iOS开发人员的优秀助手。你可以很容易地检查性能,用户界面,崩溃报告,资源vs..

  • Install and update your Xcodes by xcode-install 通过xcode-install安装和更新Xcodes

  • dark-mode Control the macOS dark mode from the command-line 从命令行控制macOS暗模式

  • gitignore A collection of useful .gitignore templates 一组有用的.gitignore模板

  • GitHawk A GitHub project manager app for iOS. GitHawk是一个用于iOS的GitHub项目管理应用

  • Marketing-for-Engineers is a curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product. Marketing-for-Engineers 是一系列营销文章和工具的集合,用于开发您的产品。

  • open-source-ios-apps is collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps open-source-ios-apps是开源iOS应用程序的协作列表

  • If I need fake data for my project I can recommend Fakery. 如果我的项目需要假数据,我可以推荐Fakery

  • LocalizationKit Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Swift中iOS和Mac OSX的LocalizationKit动态本地化翻译交付系统。

  • Armchair is a simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and Mac OSX written in Swift. Armchair 是一个简单而强大的应用程序审查管理iOS和Mac OSX编写的Swift。

  • Siren checks installed version of iOS apps and notifies users when a new version published. Siren会检查iOS应用程序的已安装版本,并在新版本发布时通知用户。

  • Bohr allows us to setup settings screen. Bohr 允许我们设置屏幕设置。

  • SwiftyJSON is captain of JSON parsing. If you experience a problem check Kitura version. Also with Alamofire they are perfect team. SwiftyJSON是JSON解析的领导者。如果遇到问题,请检查Kitura版本。同时,对于Alamofire,他们是完美的团队。

  • CocoaLumberjack is logging for Mac and iOS. CocoaLumberjack 正在登陆Mac和iOS系统。


  • iOS Dev Directory is my favorite web site you can easily access all developers’ blog in one point. iOS Dev Directory是我最喜欢的网站,你可以轻松访问所有开发人员的博客在一点。

  • Find which company used SDKs and services on iOS mobile apps with AppSight. 通过AppSight查找哪家公司在iOS移动应用程序上使用了sdk和服务

  • iOS libraries collection written by Swift iOSCookies. 由Swift iOSCookies编写的iOS库集合

  • Tips and techniques for iOS and Mac littlebitesofcocoa. 提示和技术的iOS和Mac littlebitesofcocoa

  • Discover 🔎 205+ 🔥 awesome conferences around the 🌍 world: . 发现🔎205 +🔥很棒的会议在🌍world:

Miscellaneous 杂项

  • List of my most used commands and shortcuts in the terminal for Mac 在Mac终端中最常用的命令和快捷方式列表。

  • List of shortcuts in Xcode Xcode中的快捷方式列表

  • A public list of APIs from around the web. web上的公共api列表。

  • Best font library for iOS. iOS的最佳字体库。

  • Mockable is a simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web-services. Reply with static or dynamic JSON or XML Payload. Previously I was using Gist. Mockable是一个简单的可配置服务,用于模拟RESTful API或SOAP web服务。使用静态或动态JSON或XML有效负载进行回复。之前我用的是Gist。

  • DayOne, I can not belive to myself, how I forget share my favorite app for 2 years. Actually, I started to use DayOne 2.5 years ago. It keeps my Bullet Journal. DayOne,,我无法相信自己,我怎么忘记了分享我最喜欢的应用两年了。实际上,我是在2.5年前开始使用DayOne的。它保存着我的子弹日记。

Editing 编辑器

  • AppCode is very nice for code editing, it is excellent and has all the refactoring options we need, but it’s still dependent on Xcode and it’s not free. AppCode对于代码编辑来说非常好,它非常优秀,并且具有我们需要的所有重构选项,但是它仍然依赖于Xcode,而且它不是免费的。

  • My favorite second editor is Atom. Teletype provides new opportunity for pair programming remotely. 我最喜欢的第二个编辑器是Atom。电传打字为远程结对编程提供了新的机会。

That’s it. 😃😃😃 Thanks for reading. I hope all these tools will help you to improve your productivity. 就是这样。😃😃😃谢谢reading.我希望所有这些工具都能帮助您提高工作效率。

If you want to follow me on social media, here are some links. github, twitter, linkedin 如果你想在社交媒体上关注我,这里有一些链接。github、twitter、linkedin

You can check my previous articles here. 你可以在这里查看我以前的文章。
